Showing posts with label couple & parent devotions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label couple & parent devotions. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Catholic Christian Couple & Parent Spirituality Moments for Daily Catholic Christian Devotions All Day Long

In the "New Covenant" made by our Creator God with humanity (Jeremiah 31:31-34) every person can know God from within - because the Holy Spirit is revealing our Creator to all who are willing to know the Lord and trust in Him. We can still help each other along the way; so may you be pleased to find here a variety of helps to the life of faith in God through Jesus Christ. G.S.


 EXCEL file for note taking & tracking progress          PDF file for more details 

Please note that some items repeat to help you do them more than once during the day. Be gentle with yourself and take time. These spiritual exercises are rooted in Christian fatih and the Roman Catholic tradition. Try them and track your progress. 

We often feel incapable because we are simply human. Offer God your poverty and boldly do these spiritual exercises. Let God manifest his power to love, give life, strengthen, heal, deliver, and protect. Know that when evil, temptation, trouble, or pain come, God knows and allows it for a greater purpose, and trust He is WITH YOU and gives you strength to endure in peace and confidence. "I can do all things through him who strengthens me (Christ Jesus)." Philippians 4:13

We can do many of these as quickly as a flash of lighting… the key is to exercise within us the power God gives us.


1. BEDTIME Examen prayer before going to sleep

2. RISING Thank and praise God on waking

3. Love connects as I look at a crucifix / holy image

4. EARLY MORNING Look for God's Word in Bible

5. Offering God my day while washing & dressing

6. I / we pray the Liturgy of the Hours - Morning

7. MASS – Plan, prepare, and participate in Daily Mass



8. I ask Jesus to bless OTHERS as I interact with them

9. I ask God to bless me as I prepare breakfast

10. Saying "GRACE" for a blessing before having breakfast

11. Saying "GRACE" to give thanks after having breakfast

12. We put food away and do the dishes together


13. Love connects as I look at a crucifix / holy image

14. I ask God's guidance and strength for my morning

15. I bless my spouse & children Father + Son + Holy Spirit

16. I ask God's protection before we drive or travel

17. “Lord bless all those I meet esp. those burdened”


18. Love connects as I look at a crucifix / holy image

19. I ask God's guidance as I enter into my work

20. I work in peace knowing God is with me

21. I face challenges with confidence in God’s help

22. I anticipate and watch for God's inspiration

23. "God bless my spouse" when s/he comes to mind

24. At an opportune time I meditate silently



25. I ask God to bless me as I prepare lunch

26. Saying "GRACE" for a blessing before having lunch

27. Saying "GRACE" to give thanks after having lunch

28. We put food away and do the dishes together

29. I ask Jesus to bless others as I interact with them

30. Love connects as I look at a crucifix / holy image


31. I ask God's guidance as I get back into my work

32. I work in peace knowing God is with me

33. I face challenges with confidence in God’s help

34. I anticipate and watch for God's inspiration

35. I ask God's help as I go out to run errands

36. I take delight whenever I remember I am loved

37. I thank and praise God when I receive help

38. I often let myself be glad to be alive

39. When I see one in trouble I ask God to bless them

40. When I see beauty in others I give God praise

41. As a car cuts me off I ask God's mercy on them

42. "God bless my spouse" when s/he comes to mind



43. At an opportune time I meditate silently

44. I take God with me as I go for a walk and fresh air

45. I take God with me as I take a little nap


46. I ask God to bless me as I prepare supper

47. Saying "GRACE" for a blessing before having supper

48. Saying "GRACE" to give thanks after having supper

49. We put food away and do the dishes together


50. Patience - with love I accept to endure a trouble

51. I ask Jesus to bless OTHERS as I interact with them

52. We pray the Rosary together as a couple/family

53. I ask Jesus to bless our children – FUN time

54. I ask Jesus to bless our children – homework

55. I ask Jesus to bless our children – wash & PJ's

56. I ask Jesus to bless our children – story time

57. I ask Jesus to bless our children – prayer / bed time



58. Mercy – with God's love I forgive the other

59. Love connects as I look at a crucifix / holy image

60. I thank God as I look upon my spouse with love

61. I / we pray the Liturgy of the Hours - Evening

62. Spouses - we have a SIT DOWN heart to heart chat

63. I / we plan for the possibility of Mass tomorrow

64. I / we thank God and ENJOY some recreation

65. I ask God's mercy as I tie up the day's loose ends

66. I / we pray the Liturgy of the Hours - Night

67. Husband: "Lord help me pleasure my wife first, not me."

68. We welcome God and his love to our nuptial bed

Daily or once a week spouses will learn from each other by sharing their experiences and praying together.

Created April 19th, 2018 - Updated October 25th, 2018 - November 17th, 2020

Father Gilles Surprenant, Poustinik   514-864-5600 ext. 618

If you want to chat, please do:

Diocesan Center for Marriage, Life, and Family

Katerine Perrault 514-931-7311 ext 233

Ellen Roderick 514-931-7311 ext. 287



In the "New Covenant" made by our Creator God with humanity (Jeremiah 31:31-34) every person can know God from within - because the Holy Spirit is revealing our Creator to all who are willing to know the Lord and trust in Him. We can still help each other along the way; so may you be pleased to find here a variety of helps to the life of faith in God through Jesus Christ. G.S.


© 2006-2021 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2006-2021 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Simple Faith & Spirituality Ideas for Daily Catholic Christian Devotions

In the "New Covenant" made by our Creator God with humanity (Jeremiah 31:31-34) every person can know God from within - because the Holy Spirit is revealing our Creator to all who are willing to know the Lord and trust in Him. We can still help each other along the way; so may you be pleased to find here a variety of helps to the life of faith in God through Jesus Christ. G.S.


EXCEL file for note taking & tracking progress             PDF file for more details 

Please note that some items repeat to help you do them more than once during the day. Be gentle with yourself and take time. These spiritual exercises are rooted in Christian faith and the Roman Catholic tradition. Try them and track your progress. 

1. Examen prayer before going to sleep - e.g. Thank You Father for… forgive me for… Glory..

2. Thank and praise God on waking in the morning - e.g. I thank You and praise You Father for this day

3. Love connects as I look at a crucifix / holy image - e.g. Allowing God to enter my mind, heart, soul

4. Early morning glimpse of God's Word in the Bible - e.g. "Speak, Lord, your servant is listening…"

5. Offering God my day while washing & dressing - e.g. "Father, let me walk with Jesus this day…."

6. I / we pray the Liturgy of the Hours - Morning - e.g. "God come to my assistance…."

7. I ask Jesus to bless others as I interact with them - e.g. "Lord, bless…."

8. Asking God to bless me as I prepare breakfast - e.g. "Father, bless these elements and your family."

9. Saying "Grace" before having breakfast - e.g. "Bless us O Lord and these thy gifts…."

10. Saying "Grace" after having breakfast - e.g. "We give You thanks O Lord for all…."

11. We put food away and do the dishes together - e.g. Enjoy the moment and each person….

12. Love connects as I look at crucifix / holy image - e.g. Allowing God to enter my mind, heart, soul…


13. I ask God's guidance and strength this morning - e.g. "O Holy Spirit grant me wisdom & strength."

14. I bless my spouse & children F Son + HSp - e.g. "Father, bless…."

15. I ask God's protection before I drive or travel - e.g. "Lord, bless and protect me and everyone…."

16. Lord bless all those I meet esp. those burdened - e.g. "Father bless your children, especially…."

17. Prepare and participate in Daily Mass

18. Love connects as I look at crucifix / holy image - e.g. Allowing God to enter my mind, heart, soul…

19. I ask God's guidance as I enter into my work - e.g. "O Holy Spirit grant me wisdom & strength…."

20. I anticipate and watch for God's inspiration

21. "God bless my spouse" as s/he comes to mind - e.g. "God bless my spouse…."

22. At an opportune time I meditate silently

23. Asking God to bless me as I prepare lunch - e.g. "Father, bless these elements and your family…."

24. Saying "Grace" before having lunch - e.g. "Bless us O Lord and these thy gifts…."

25. Saying "Grace" after having lunch - e.g. "We give You thanks O Lord for all…."

26. We put food away and do the dishes together - e.g. Enjoy the moment and each person….

27. I ask Jesus to bless others as I interact with them - e.g. "Lord Jesus, bless…."

28. Love connects as I look at crucifix / holy image - e.g. Allowing God to enter my mind, heart, soul…

29. I ask God's guidance as I get back into my work - e.g. "O Holy Spirit grant me wisdom & strength."

30. I anticipate and watch for God's inspiration


31. At an opportune time I meditate silently

32. I ask God's help as I go out to run errands - e.g. "Lord, be with me as I run these errands…."

33. I take delight whenever I remember I am loved

34. I thank and praise God when I receive help - e.g. "Lord, I thank and bless you."

35. I often let myself be glad to be alive

36. When I see one in trouble I ask God to bless them - e.g. "O God, bless…."

37. When I see beauty in others I give God praise - e.g. "Father, I praise you for your children…."

38. As a car cuts me off I ask God's mercy on them - e.g. "Lord, have mercy on them…."

39. "God bless my spouse" as s/he comes to mind - e.g. "God bless my spouse…."

40. I take God with me as I go for a walk and fresh air - e.g. "Lord, be with me as I go for a walk…."

41. I take God with me as I take a little nap - e.g. "Father, grant me rest…."

42. Asking God to bless me as I prepare supper - e.g. "Father, bless these elements and your family…."

43. Saying "Grace" before having supper - e.g. "Bless us O Lord and these thy gifts…."

44. Saying "Grace" after having supper - e.g. "We give You thanks O Lord for all…."

45. We put food away and do the dishes together - e.g. Enjoy the moment and each person….

46. Patience - with love I accept to endure a trouble - e.g. "Lord, have mercy on me, on them…."

47. I ask Jesus to bless others as I interact with them - e.g. "Lord, bless…."

48. We pray the Rosary together as a couple/family - e.g. "Mother, be with us as we pray…."

49. I ask Jesus to bless our children - homework - e.g. "Lord Jesus, bless…."

50. I ask Jesus to bless our children - wash & PJ's - e.g. "Lord Jesus, bless…."


51. I ask Jesus to bless our children - story time - e.g. "Lord Jesus, bless…."

52. Mercy - with God's love I forgive the other

53. Love connects as I look at a crucifix / holy image - e.g. Allowing God to enter my mind, heart, soul

54. I thank God as I look upon my spouse with love - e.g. "Thank You, Lord…."

55. I / we pray the Liturgy of the Hours - Evening - e.g. "God come to my assistance…."

56. I ask God's mercy as I tie up the day's loose ends - e.g. "Lord, have mercy…."

57. Intercessory prayer for our prayer list - e.g. "Lord, have mercy…."

58. I / we thank God and enjoy some recreation

59. Spouses - we have a sit down heart to heart chat

60. I / we pray the Liturgy of the Hours - Night - e.g. "God come to my assistance…."

61. M: "Lord help me pleasure my wife first, not me."

62. Welcome God and his love to our nuptial bed

Created April 19th, 2018 - Updated 181025 - 201117

Father Gilles Surprenant, Poustinik   514-864-5600 ext. 618

If you want to chat, please do:

Diocesan Center for Marriage, Life, and Family

Katerine Perrault 514-931-7311 ext. 233

Ellen Roderick 514-931-7311 ext. 287


In the "New Covenant" made by our Creator God with humanity (Jeremiah 31:31-34) every person can know God from within - because the Holy Spirit is revealing our Creator to all who are willing to know the Lord and trust in Him. We can still help each other along the way; so may you be pleased to find here a variety of helps to the life of faith in God through Jesus Christ. G.S.


© 2006-2021 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2006-2021 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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