Monday, May 8, 2000

The Other Terrorists

In the "New Covenant" made by our Creator God with humanity, as reported in Jeremiah 31:31-34, every human being can know God from within - because the Holy Spirit is revealing our Creator to all who are willing to know the Lord and trust in Him. We can still help each other along the way; so may you be pleased to find here a variety of helps to the life of faith in God through Jesus Christ. G.S.


The Other Terrorists

Program Excerpt – Comments by Mother Angelica

I wanted to share with you some thoughts I've had about the problems we have in this country, the war, but what kind of war is it? There's no place to go, nothing that you can think to do that would be right, even though justice is necessary.  I'd like to talk to you tonight about other terrorists. 

Let's take social terrorists - in our country. The kind of terrorists that go into schools and spread drugs. The kind of terrorists that kidnap little children and make them prostitutes and what was always known as white slavery. The kind of terrorists in the entertainment world that put out on television in public, in Europe and all over the world, the worst, worst kind of movies, the most immoral movies. Those are social terrorists. You say, oh no Mother, they, oh yea.... look what they have done to this country, look what they have done to our youth. And what is a terrorist, I don't know what a definition is... someone who wants to destroy. 

We've had two beautiful buildings destroyed on our land.  And many innocent people. People who were blown to bits - just like the first 10, 20 years of abortion. Cut to pieces, thrown in garbage cans and eaten by cats. Same as now. Those are terrorists. I think they're the worst because they destroy innocence and life and populations. (Editor: They exploit women, often young women, who are suffering from terrible social pressures from the people around them, from whom they would expect understanding and support. Women generally would not want to kill what they know is alive in them. All of us who abandon our women to fend for ourselves bear heavier responsibility for this.)

Our population is nothing what it should have been. Millions that belonged to us are gone and to me, and, I might be way off beam, I just want to share my heart with you - all those millions and millions that are gone, they can't fight for us because they aren't there. Isn't that a terrorist thing? Isn't it terrorism to have Satan's music for our little ones to absorb and to begin to murder and kill. Isn't it terrorist to spread drugs everywhere, to push prostitution and immorality among our youth, weaken their hearts, their souls, their minds? Isn't that terror?  

Then there's spiritual terror, the kind that makes you afraid to say a prayer in public, the kind that makes you hide your crucifixes and anything religious in your office. The kind that says you can't have a crib in public. That's a terrorist because, in your heart you want to love God. You want to praise God. You want to say thank you Jesus for coming to save us as a little child. Thank you Lord. People think that's a terrorism that's acceptable... but I don't think it is.   

Mr. President, I'm an old lady with a minor little stroke, or whatever it is and only one eye, but I can see - that this nation, great, mighty, a sleeping giant, that could bring the whole world to holiness, goodness, compassion, strength and hope, but I don't think, unless we tackle the terrorists in OUR country, we can expect God to protect and guide us.  

Mr. President, would you consider putting prayer back in the schools and letting us pray at social functions? I understand that you prayed at a football game or baseball game. Could we pray in restaurants and could we have reminders of the Lord God? Can we put a crib back on our lawns and not be afraid of being ridiculed? 

Mr. President, would you consider having prayer back in the schools? Would you consider taking that horrible law with permission to kill, to terrorize the innocent? I know some of you are mad at me right now. I figure in my condition I have nothing to lose. But would you consider, saying no more abortion is allowed in this country? Would you consider? (Editor: Let's work together to develop ways and means to support women who are surprised by a pregnancy. Better still, let's all work together to instruct our children and young people that sexual union is about giving life to babies and not just for fun. We need to form our children to have great respect for both girls and boys and at the approach of puberty to teach them about the wondrous mystery of life about to develop in them, and that's it's part of God's plan for marriage and family for our life and happiness. This is the way to peace.)

Mr. President, I thought your speech was wonderful. I don't play Democrat or Republican. I don't play anything in politics. I think, in general, politics stinks, but, you gotta vote for somebody. I was proud of you the other day. You were strong and you did put God in. But you see, you can't have two opposite things. You can't allow such terrorists in our country. 

I know, I know what some of you out there are thinking, "Well you have your nerve, you're trying to tell us what to do". No, I don't care what you do. If you don't want to pray, don't pray. I believe in freedom of religion. I also believe in God and this country is no longer free. 

See, if you're not free Mr. President, you can't make others free. You can't give what we don't possess.  If we offend God by pornography and allowing pornography, by drugs, by not enough care and supervision, by television that's absolutely rotten, disgraceful, immoral, and allowing innocent children, they feel, those kids feel whatever it is. 

In the old days they used to have salt saline abortion. They'd burn the little children. As long as that's a law, it cannot be pleasing to God.  We can't keep offending God there, then ask for his blessing here. It's not going to work. Most of you might say, mind your own business and talk spiritual things. I think I am, talking about deeply spiritual things.  

And all of you that have been so hidden and hurt because of the way these over 6,000 people died, cruel, without love, without anything. What about those little kids. They had no place to run. They had no place to go. (Editor: Over 57 million babies have been aborted in the U.S.A. since 1973.)You see, I don't want to be depressing tonight. I love you. 

I love you Mr. President. You may never hear this talk. I hope the spirit, in one of your prayer groups, whispers in your ear because I think some drastic anti-terrorism has to be done in this country - to make us free - to make us filled with trust in God. Then, then you can do the work that you have been given to do. And then the almighty God from on high will be with you, and with this country, and with the world.   

I love our president and our congress, because they've gotten together and they done everything America should do. They rose to the occasion. Just as with Pearl Harbor, the Japanese said they woke a sleeping giant, they did again (now). 

This time, we have a few hindrances. I'm only saying that if we're going to clear out or try to bring to justice terrorists we had better first look at home.... We must be brave and we must accept our penance. We must also change. We must pray, not only for those who died in those terrible, terrible attacks, but have we ever prayed for the children who were murdered, every day? Have we ever said Lord, I can't stop it but I pray they have a high degree of glory in your kingdom... Let us become a repenting nation and change.

(Editor: Gilles A. Surprenant)


In the "New Covenant" made by our Creator God with humanity, as reported in Jeremiah 31:31-34, every human being can know God from within - because the Holy Spirit is revealing our Creator to all who are willing to know the Lord and trust in Him. We can still help each other along the way; so may you be pleased to find here a variety of helps to the life of faith in God through Jesus Christ. G.S.


© 2006-2021 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2006-2021 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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